Oriented towards wellness in body, mind and spirit, this four quarter program (Q4) follows your corporate structure and yearly plan. The Q4 program is a series of four separate trainings spread out according to your company’s needs and schedule. The objective of this program is to build a solid and successful team as well as a confident and productive employee.

Before you can be a great team player you must be an outstanding individual one. That is why the Q4 program focuses on building strong and resilient people first.

Each quarter focuses on a different element that brings out the best in the members of your organization to create empowered individuals that work together to achieve desired results. This will give your organization an advantage over your competition and make it healthy in every way.


Q1 - This is the kick off. The introductory session establishes the integrity of the program and the context in which each individual will participate. It also outlines the online interactive community forum. Each company has access to their own community page that allows the participants to interact and receive tips and information that will help them stay focused and committed to the program. We also begin the individual quest for optimal fitness and health with the first of three exercise and nutrition sessions. Participants learn the essence of how to exercise and eat right and how to improve performance as a result.

Q2 - This session builds team spirit and unity. Here we examine different athletic skills and training methods and how they can improve your business world by correlating a specific skill or training to a specific area of your business. With developing strong individual skills your members will be ready to contribute to their team. Here we also examine the positions that each member of your team must play and the characteristics that accompany each position. The quest for optimum health continues as we tackle part 2 of the fitness and nutrition course.

Q3 - We begin this session with exercise and nutrition. This is where we tie in what was previously covered and start creating an exercise and eating program that fits the needs and lifestyle of each participant. We then cover fitness and nutrition on the road. Fundamentals such as How to eat healthy in a restaurant or a conference environment and what to do to keep energized while on a busy business trip.

Q4 - This finale is a chance to review the major concepts such as integrity and context and how they will continue to play a role in the future. We also set the stage for your members to keep creating their power and demonstate how their new found wellness will be integrated in their daily lives for years to come.